Saturday, March 5, 2011

Farmers Market – Romania

So the disappointing Brooklyn market got me thinking about other markets I’ve been to that I fell in love with. The one I’ve been to in Romania has been the best market I’ve been to so far. Guess I’d have to say in terms of produce. Seattle has the best seafood market, but that’s a different blog.
There are endless good things about the markets in Romania but the thing that excites me most is the cheap produce that’s organic. Not because the farmers care so much about healthy food but because for them, it’s a necessity. Check out the photos below and you’ll see that the people selling their garden vegetables are there to make a buck, not to spend it on pesticides. So you can buy whatever you want without worrying about how many chemicals are coating your apples or tomatoes. And in case you think it’s not really a big deal, I read an article online recently that featured the ten most chemically-laden fruits and vegetables. Tomatoes have an average of 67 chemicals sprayed on them. You read right, 67! The article recommended buying thin-skinned fruits and veggies that are organic because the pesticides can penetrate thinner skin easier than thicker skin. That makes sense. So bananas and oranges are not as worrisome as grapes, peaches, tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries, etc. – you get the point.
To get back to my subject…I’ve had the pleasure of perusing the Romanian markets several times (growing up there and during visits) and they never disappoint. I’m assuming all of you reading this blog will not rush out to Romania to visit their local markets, however if you do travel to another city or country, make it a point to check out what they grow locally. It’s a very educational experience. Romania grows some berries that I haven’t seen anywhere else. They also have beautiful varieties of peppers that are regional specialties used for pickling, soups and for fresh salads.
The vendors who sell there are your regular moms and pops. They grow their produce in their backyard and lug it to the market every day to make a living. There are of course supermarkets nowadays in Romania too but I found the local produce to be very affordable and fresh. Plus I want to help the poor farmer who is working his/her behind off instead of supporting the monopolized chain supermarket.
So without further ado, here are some pictures of beautiful Romanian fruits and veggies.

1 comment:

  1. I am very proud of you that you wrote about this. :)
